Sunday, September 7, 2008

sentosa sunday

took a trip out to sentosa island after the bridal show which Claire (awesome south african girl) and I worked yesterday in an industrial sized freezer (read: ridiculously airconditionned ballroom).
'twas a reunion of the zoo crew, with michael, myles, and anna, as well as newfound friends robert and elena. Sentosa was interesting-I hear its a man-made island, or at least the beaches are manmade. The entire place is very sterile and the outdoor nightclub on the beach we went to was pretty much a gongshow, with a bunch of (mostly) young, rich internationals getting completely shitfaced to blaring loud music. There was a pool at the bar, which I'm pretty sure is some kind of health hazard considering how inebriated everyone was...lucky for me there was also a quieter expanse of beach nearby to which I was able to escape. no photos right now because the connection IS KILLING ME and ive been trying for an hour but have to run to castings. GR

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