Sunday, May 3, 2009

new blog

i've been mulling it over for awhile now, and finally went through with the creation of a new blog today. While I love this project (over 100 posts in less than a year to prove it), it's been somewhat of an opinion-light travel blog. And let's face it: I'm opinionated (also, my life in nyc isn't as conducive to this format as my travels throughout asia were). So the new blog is all about likes and dislikes (including some travel-related posts, I'm sure): for almost seven years now I've been making collages of things that inspire me, but now that everything seems to be online (blogs, magazines, FB, etc), for better or for worse, I figure its suiting to take the collages online too. The Vulgar Eye isn't really a collage, but it is somewhere my friends and I (collaborators TBA) will be posting snippets of opinion, inspiration, art, etc. Collages can be used to give a general impression of a look, a mood, an atmosphere: because I can't take everything I'm stoked on and paste it to a piece of paper, I'm going to do my best to record it online, so check it out:

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