the newest green mode of transportation involves harnessing the energy of the testosterone OD-ing male to propel you down the street in style (depending on your definition of style).
this week flew by almost as fast as myles pushing anna down the hill in a shopping cart. I had a pretty eventful day yesterday having the majority of my body painted white and my hair crimped/backcombed/sprayed out scary spice style. I haven't had a chance to see many singaporean sights in the lat few days, though anna and I did get a peek at the horses at the polo club here. Unfortunately we missed what was to be our first-ever polo viewing due to the fact that our cab driver COMPLETELY misunderstood our directions, a situation which eventually disintegrated into him criticizing OUR english and telling us we need to work on our language skills. I think something got lost in translation between english and singlish, and the irony of the situation made my day. 'Cause what's life without a little irony, metaphor, or simile thrown in?
On the topic of literary devices and thus reading materials in general, I recently finished reading Freakonomics, which I highly recommend in case anyone is looking for a new read.
Also, I finally figured out that sitting right next to the internet router in our apartment, though somewhat of an inconvenience due to its lack of proximity to anything ressembling a private and quiet place, is the only way to get a decent connection, so I'll start posting more pictures asap.