In other, perhaps more interesting news, Anna and I got a new roommate yesterday, named Emily. Haven't really gotten to know her yet as she seems to be that rare breed of roommate who doesnt spill her entire identity on you the first time you meet her, but she seems pretty cool. Especially since she travels with books and has read the twilight (vampire love story) series that has been consuming both Anna's and my attention lately. We managed to tear ourselves away from our readings this weekend to entertain mildy social aspirations, hitting up the boys' model apt. for a delightful vegetarian lasagne cooked by Michael as well as some Sentosa beachtimes on sunday followed by my introduction to Spize, which has been touted by many a singapore acquaintance as the place to dine after partying (it's hours are 6am-6pm). Not bad.
i LOVE twilight. but still need to read the others. will respond to all your inquiries over a more personal note via facebook or something. things are good though.
i love reading your writing, it contains so much more than anyone else's.
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