Everything seems to be changing every time I call home or get an update from a friend, and I feel like I'm missing out. My little brother is probably going to have his license before I ever learn to drive, my best friend's being serenaded by the posh clientele at the restaurant where she hostesses, and everybody seems to be growing closer together, while I'm growing, apart...from the most important people in my life. Not apart from them, but just growing into myself somewhere far away.
By Christmas I'll be home, surely itching to be on the move again, hopefully with some good stories to tell and some newfound wisdom.
Anyways, yesterday was Sunday, aka almost-guaranteed day off; Anna and I found ourselves hanging out with a hong kong acquaintance of mine, Myles, and his roomie Michael. They're cool guys and we made for a pretty good sightseeing group, though by the end of the day the humidity certainly had us dragging our feet.

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