Perusing my contract for singapore today, I was pained to discover that I am to be banned from wearing shorts on castings. Such a regulation results in many difficulties. Bend down to change from flip flops to casting heels? Not without revealing a little more than anyone's expecting to see, you don't. Sit on subway without crossing your legs in order to prevent vericose-vein formation? I don't think so. Pass inconspicuously over subway air-vents? Not a chance. Thus, a frantic search for Kyla-proof skirts ensued. I was profoundly grateful to be accompanied by my Posse of One (a.k.a. maj) on this epic adventure through the streets of CWB, which of course were crowded as usual.

Even after summoning all my courage, all my strength, all my patience, I emerged from the battle...skirt less. High-waisted non-synthetic-mesh composed circle skirt, anyone? anywhere in HK? apparently not. The expression displayed on the man in the photo above is probably a pretty accurate depiction of my face after a two-hour search in one of the most densely packed retail districts of hk. Not impressed.
other beefs with hk retail to note:
a) when we first began our quest, maj and I were dismayed&confuddled to discover about half the shops seemed to be closed. Porque, you ask? Most of the smaller ones don't open 'til 2pm (but stay open 'til about 11pm).
b) clothes are almost without exception available in only one or two sizes. Dressing rooms are rare and most clothes have little to no shape. HK style can be summarized in these four words: One Size Fits All.
and YET I have spotted some extraordinarily well-dressed people gracing hong kong's streets. The mission for Kyla-proof skirts shall go on...
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