Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a crewtastic, viewtastic day

Though it's certainly true that hardly a rainy day goes by without a konger whacking me in the face with their umbrella whilst passing by, I somehow manage to end up working with people who are apparently the nicest, friendliest, most helpful bunch in hong kong. Today of course was no exception, though many of the crew were foreigners (french hair and makeup artist, aussie photog, italian, brazilian and fellow canadian (!!) models).

With the earliest call time of us all, I'd already finished a few shots before any of the other models showed up. This left me with a bit of a break at the end of the day; as everyone else finished up the last shot, I set off up the hill from our location (where we were shooting winter coats in 30+ degree weather) to explore. Lucky for me, I had someone to share the views with--a CANADIAN backpacker I met on my way up the hill--otherwise I would've had nobody to take this picture:

or explore the abandonned military structures with...

and lucky for him, SuperCool Client of the Day Cherry Chen agreed to give him a ride down the hill on our crewbus before taking us all out for some well-deserved Linner (yumm)

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