Three reasons I often opt not to listen to my iPod whilst wandering the streets of an english-speaking city:
"...people watch more hetero porn..." (man exiting through subway turnstile on cellphone)
"...stop being a (he may have said 'fucking' but my memory's uncertain) bitch and come home!" (man on cellphone crossing street against the light and being honked at by traffic on the lower east side)
"HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH!" (woman walking the length of the subway station platform)
Considering the fact that two of the above quotes were gathered from people speaking on their cellphones, I would like to make public my gratitude for this mobile conversational invention: thank you cellphones, for taking what should be public conversations and throwing them out onto the streets and into the general public's (and my) auditory space. Because crossing streets and taking the subway would be so boring without these curious little pieces.
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