I flew to L.A. on my way to new york in order to meet up with my friends Katy and Claudia at UCLA (stayed in Katy's dorm...Claudia visited from UCSD).
Here are some snippets:

My few days in L.A. were amazing. One of Katy's friends took us out driving the first night I got there and we hit up a helipad, Santa Monica, a USC frat party, and a quintessential diner (Mel's-I think it was on Sunset. There was a long line and people behaving like club promoters slipping cash to get people in. Say it with me, 'STRANGE')...pretty much a thorough guided tour of the city, without too much traffic! I hadn't seen Claudia since we were both in HK over the summer, and Katy since our aftergrad party.
It was a beautiful reunion, involving plenty of dining hall experiences (just enough to get a taste of the college life without getting sick of the salad bar), one glorious vegan restaurant meal, 2 LIBRARIES!!!! (the fuel for my fiery jealousy of all my university-attending friends), a few classes, long talks, and lots of polaroids (which I will have to update later...the battery of the camera with which I document my polaroids is currently in transit-i.e., being sent by mail from my mom 'cause I forgot it at home). 2 of the best tours I've ever been on: the one around L.A. and that which Katy took me on of the campus and the LIBRARIES! It's only been a few days but I miss my two wvss girlies already. :(
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