Doing what?!
That's the question that used to pop into my head when other models would tell me of the two months they'd spend at home between cities
Well, it hasn't quite been two months, but it's certainly been awhile. I've had some time to attempt to process the last 7 months of this whirlwind life and reflect on everything I learned along the way. The first few months of 2009 have marked a period of incessant study (reading, writing, and thrifted textbooks), reflection, incredible photoshoots with dear friends (Lyle&Raymond, fellow Lizbell model Leah, Ashley Gesner, and GREG SWALES-whom I roadtripped to Whistler with yesterday for shoot)

and of course (being Canadian and all...) nature walks!

...with one frat party thrown in for good measure, as a social experiment of sorts (thanks Nick, too bad your original cheerleader date had to cancel on you for practice).

I've also had the chance to catch up with Liz, Jayne, Amanda, and David at the agency...they are all so wonderful and I always look forward to seeing them when I come back to the city. Being away from that team just makes me appreciate the level of communication I have with them so much more. I was in a few days ago sorting through old tears and came across the old contact sheets from my first test shoot

Before I began spending all of my summers abroad in disgustingly humid city environments, I spent a fair amount of time doing the sorts of things you'd imagine most Canadians do in the summer months (biking, swimming at the river, surfing, boogie boarding, spending time outside in that fresh mountain air and brilliant sunlight..hard to believe, right?)

But alas, that shade of skin is mine no longer...

I'll be hauling my pale ass out to the airport tomorrow morning...for two days of PURE BLISS amongst friends in california before landing in new york tuesday morning and-as I was informed today-reporting to work after dropping my suitcase off at the apt. in Brooklyn where I'm staying. So, I'd better get back to packing...I've got the clothes done (1/3 of my suitcase)...but I'm torn over which books to take-my prized psych text weighs a solid five pounds :S
1 comment:
I MISSS YOUU my asian lookbook siren
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