Tuesday, April 14, 2009

wednesday morning

Found out this morning that the fitting I was supposed to have today has been cancelled and I will be shooting tomorrow in chai wan. One 10-hr. day's work-not a bad way to earn my way to hk for a week if you ask me. I'd been contemplating an excursion to the HK wetlands park and today would've been the perfect opportunity. But...I couldn't tear myself away from the busy streets. There's something wonderful about just being in the midst of it all-the organized chaos of everyday life-epecially in a foreign city. Which is why I think I'll explore my old CWB hood today before heading to Life Cafe for dinner with my mum's friend Cherin (which I am incredibly excited about)...Now, to tear myself away from my new favorite coffee place (free wifi, thank you Caffe Habitu)... Just got a message that I need to go by the agency at 12.30 to pick up my job info and take pictures of my hair to send the client...good thing I'm not at the wetland park!

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