Friday, August 1, 2008

casting quest

I knew it was going to be a long ride, but I still wasn't prepared for the epic two-an-a-half hour journey to my first casting today. Three buses and an mtr ride after leaving the apartment,
after taking in the views from central to hong kong university,I was there! Where is this 'there' I am referring to? Cyberport! It's a flashy complex originally intended to serve as an i.t. company center, but apparently too inconvenient to attract all of said companies. The result? A futuristic looking, ridiculously expensive complex that looks like the set for the crappy scarlett johansson movie the island, and is populated by a very international group of folk.

on my way back I got a little turned around and took a minute above street level to get my bearings...presenting: Causeway Bay, ridiculously overcrowded, ridiculously awesome.

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