I discovered today that the streets of wanchai, streetmarket alleys included, are pretty dead on sundays. That didn't stop me from picking up a delicious coconut drink and some fresh fruit for lunch, though!


Am heading off for my much-needed dose of hot yoga this evening at Pure, then to Life Cafe (!!!) in central for some vegan fuel...something a little bit fancier than my lunch! Though dining out is the thing to do in hk (or anywhere, I suppose) when meeting up with old friends, it can be somewhat of a struggle to find anything vegan aside from oily vegetables :S
Whew, I lose my computer for a month and all of a sudden you're in HK again! Whatevs ladychild, hope its going fabulously.
And congrats on going vegan. I'm not sure I could do that. Certainly not right now, what with rowing training. Okay, I know if I really tried I could get my act together and organize vegan-good protein, but let's face it, I'm fairly of lazy. I have been more or less pescatarian since I've been living on my own, mind you. But this isn't by choice so much as I'm not into cooking meat. I'm moving back to the 'rents in May however, and undoubtedly will return to my excessive, carnivorous lifestyle ;) But I will try to be strong! Because eating meat is just not good on so many levels.
Anyhoo, have an excellent time, wherever you're at.
<3 emma
hehe thanks for all the wellwishes
being vegan is great (for me at least) and i've come to regard the food pyramid and nutrition class as complete propaganda and BS! :)
I also think eating dairy might be even worse for your body than eating meat...
good luck with the rowing and meat avoidance :p
even yogurt?!
yogurt is my one true love.
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